LX IoT technology deployed in world leading pipeline monitoring project
LX IoT Design to be deployed in World Leading Pipeline Monitoring Project
Remote monitoring of gas pipeline assets is an enabler for SEA Gas and Fleet Space
Fleet Space recently announced an exciting new IoT technology project using Fleet Space’s "Smart Sign Technology for Continuous Easement Interference Monitoring" on gas pipelines operated by SEA Gas. LX is pleased to be included as a design partner in this project. The project is currently underway with proof of concept development in train and a plan for rollout to start with a 13km stretch near Murray Bridge.
The full pipeline proposed for deployment extends over 700km through South Australia and Victoria and to date has required regular inspection through costly and inefficient manual inspection. Now continuous and accurate remote reporting will be possible through a network of low power IoT devices - micro cameras - connected to gateways via the LoRa network.
The cameras are connected to processors that utilise machine learning to make decisions at the edge. These are able to detect and report on the arrival of heavy machinery and other traffic that may pose a risk to pipeline assets.
The project is a joint venture with Wollongong University and the Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) with the latter providing funding to the project as part of a wider drive towards decarbonisation of national energy networks. When the project is completed and the devices successfully deployed, it will position SEA Gas as ‘world leading’ in the adoption and deployment of IoT solutions for monitoring energy assets. The technology itself has the potential to be applied to myriad other industries that require monitoring of remote assets and areas in this way.
The various data streams collected by the devices are sent via Fleet Space’s nano-satellite network, providing intelligent reporting in real-time. To achieve the same coverage through manual inspection would be resource intensive and cost prohibitive. LX is working with Fleet Space and SEA Gas to develop these devices for deployment in remote and demanding outdoor environments.

Why is IoT technology important in Gas Pipeline Monitoring?
External interference with assets is a real issue for energy and utilities. With pipelines routed through rural and remote locations, interference with pipeline structures has the potential to impact not only supply, but the safety of those nearby.
With continuous monitoring through IoT technology, easement interference and potential threats can be detected and addressed sooner, reducing the risk of events that can cost millions of dollars in disruption and physical damage.
Added to this, the risks of human inspection are reduced and the cost savings through reduced manual checking mean that labour can be redeployed, creating increased operational efficiencies.
This exciting deployment of IoT technology and hybrid network communications opens the door to monitoring remote assets on a global scale - creating far reaching impact and benefits.