We turn concepts into products, at scale.
A holistic design approach from strategy to scale.
Technology is nothing without a guiding intelligence. At LX we build intelligent device ecosystems that are far greater than the sum of their parts. Our IoT strategy and product development experts are able to integrate disparate elements into full-stack services focused on the challenge or opportunity you’re addressing.
We use a comprehensive discovery and refinement process to really understand your objectives and where we can offer value. It’s a proven process from strategy to implementation and full-scale production. Speak to us obligation free to get started with your project.
We guide you on your IOT transformation journey with an end-to-end development process. Accelerated by our unique IOT Cores, our process is agile, complete and focused on delivering what’s next, now.
Uncover opportunities and shape your product strategy with expert insights.
Develop a detailed blueprint aligned with your technical and commercial goals.
Design, test, and refine to create production-ready samples.
Prepare for high-volume manufacturing with turn-key solutions.
Support, refine, and evolve your product through its lifecycle.
Develop your new product strategy and gain valuable insights into how intelligent ecosystems can reveal opportunities for your business. Our flexible Fast Start programs are designed to lay the foundations for realising your commercial goals. Each gives you access to a team of experts with deep technology and cross vertical expertise. Gain actionable insights and recommendations around your technology strategy faster – no matter where you are on your transformation journey.
- Workshop
- Consultation
- Product Strategy
- Solutions Strategy
Fast Start Workshop
An immersive workshop with a system architect and product manager to quickly identify IOT business opportunities or help provide direction on your product strategy. This could be either: a) IOT business insights or b) refining your new product strategy.
Fast Start Workshop Plus
Want to dive a little deeper into your IOT or new product strategy? Need more evidence to make a case First, we workshop your needs. Next, we do some exploratory research to add to our findings to help inform a follow-up workshop.
Fast Start New Product Strategy
If you’re starting a new product development project and need help refining or developing your high level with you to explore your commercial objectives, the key market forces, and the current technology landscape to collaboratively work towards a winning product strategy.
Fast Start IoT Strategy
Interested in exploring how your organisation can benefit from IOT but need support to develop and Alternatively, you might already have some IOT strategy ideas but want to cross check your conclusions. We can help. We understand IOT at a deep level and have cross vertical insights across a range of global IOT initiatives.
Armed with clarity on your new product development or IoT strategy we work closely with you to develop a detailed blueprint aligned with your technical and commercial goals. Our range of agile Launch Pad programs supports you to raise funds, evaluate an IOT business case or guide a full end-to-end new product development process making your product ambitions a reality – sooner.
- Workshop
- Prototype
- Concept
- Blueprint
LaunchPad Workshop
A one-day rapid architecture workshop run by one of our experienced systems engineers, pulling-in relevant specialist engineers as needed. This is an accelerated process to explore high level technical feasibility, key knowledge gaps and product/solution direction.
LaunchPad Prototype
Prototypes can serve multiple purposes. They can be used to reduce technical risk, provide a technical demonstration, obtain user feedback, gain management support, raise investment funding, or to prove business value. This option includes prototype development and a summary of insights identified through the testing for selected prototyping activities.
LaunchPad Concept
Need to unpack a product system architecture in order to get a feel for technical performance and commercial attributes, but aren’t ready for a full Blueprint development phase? The Concept Launch Pad avoids the technical documentation costs to focus on exploring questions often necessary for raising funding (such as commercial feasibility, key risks and product performance attributes).
LaunchPad Blueprint
Ready to start the development of an exciting new bespoke product? We work closely with you to develop a detailed blueprint designed to guide our end-to-end custom product development process. From deep technical analysis and navigation of complex requirements through to commercial objectives and key technology selection, we align the full stack product architecture with the product strategy.
The build is where it all comes to life, where the product is designed from scratch or the IOT Cores are configured. The product is then integrated, rigorously tested and refined until it exists in its final form as an engineering sample. From hardware to cloud services and everything in between. We build a production-ready engineering sample that allows you to run a market field trial of your next generation product.
With the engineering sample now designed and tested it’s time to set-up for high volume manufacture and logistics for commercial sales. From the development of automated test systems, pre-production runs, quality assurance systems, supply chain management and third party logistics we provide a turn-key service managing every aspect of manufacturing transfer.
We’re all about the next, now. So this is where we work with you to develop the next generation of your product. Having taken the product from concept through to manufacture and marketing, it’s vital to map the product life cycle, provide ongoing support, and refine it to meet market needs. We offer a range of support contracts to support our bespoke product development projects after completion. We’re here for the whole journey.
Pre-approved Support
Get access to all services (full-stack) as scheduling windows become available, with a product manager appointed as a central point of contact.
Basic Support Retainer
Get more access with a dedicated product manager and a pre-scheduled block of 20 hours support per month to be used as agreed in your support.
Premium Retainer
Access priority cueing, a dedicated product manager and 40 hours pre-scheduled support/mnth including pro-active lifecycle product management.