Etherios – a real-time and secure platform for the IoT
Device Cloud by Etherios is a device management platform and data service that allows you to connect a huge range of devices to Internet-connected applications, anywhere. As a public cloud service, it is designed to provide easy integration between devices and the cloud, facilitating real-time network management and rapid development of machine-to-machine and Internet-of-Things applications.
Using Etherios Cloud Connector and the open-source APIs available it is easy to integrate a wide range of client software, including web applications or mobile applications, with Device Cloud.
This public cloud platform provides easy cloud-based management of device networks, secure application messaging and data storage for Internet-of-Things and machine-to-machine networks comprised of wired, wireless networked, cellular and satellite-connected devices. It offers customers centralised management of gateways and connected end-devices, ease of integration via APIs and Etherios' Cloud Connector, elastic scalability of the cloud platform, allowing easy and cost-effective growth as your device network grows, enterprise-level reliability and industry-leading attention to security.
To get started trying out Device Cloud, you can simply create a free Device Cloud account and enjoy access to Device Cloud services including Device Manager with up to five devices and support for Web services, data streams and SMS connectivity. With a free Developer Edition account you'll have access to all the features of Device Cloud in order to design, test and prototype your Internet-of-Things or machine-to-machine solution, and you'll be able to freely evaluate all the functionality and features of Device Cloud for a small network of devices.
There are two Device Cloud hosting centres at present, one in the US and one in Europe. When creating a Device Cloud account you can select which hosting centre to use, allowing latency to be minimised by selecting the hosting location that is geographically closest to the majority of your devices that you will be registering to Device Cloud.
Traditionally, devices were expected to keep a persistent network connection open to Device Cloud, with an occasional keep-alive or heartbeat signal sent to confirm the link while application data was not actively being sent. However, Device Cloud now incorporates SMS support for deployment scenarios where bandwidth costs are high, allowing some actions such as a device reboot to be initiated remotely via SMS.

For more complicated communications, Device Cloud can send an SMS "shoulder tap" to request a connection, causing the device to initiate a traditional connection back to the server over the cellular link only when such a connection is really needed, reducing bandwidth costs. Once connected, web services, requests and UI actions can connect to the device.
Connecting your products into the enterprise network can create new revenue streams, service offerings, and improved customer satisfaction. Etherios Cloud Connector is a software development package that helps to realise these goals by enabling you to securely connect essentially any devices in a machine-to-machine or Internet-of-Things network to the Etherios Device Cloud system. Supported devices range from Arduino boards, Microchip PIC and STM microcontrollers to Freescale and Intel chips, the Raspberry Pi single-board computer and common smartphones. Cloud Connector simplifies integration of your devices with applications and gives you easy, direct access to the data from your devices.
Etherios can help you to build a specific Device Cloud Solution that suits your needs, providing a free Dia framework including reusable software modules and open-source reference code, a free integrated development environment based on the Eclipse IDE that includes helpful examples and tutorials, and other sources of design assistance, including custom application development services. Etherios also offers expertise and services in embedded design, software services, electronic and RF engineering, and printed circuit board layout.
Etherios Cloud Connector is available for Android, Kinetis microcontroller devices and other common embedded platforms, allowing easy connectivity of many different devices to Device Cloud. The large family of "connectors" available simplify the process of managing dynamic hardware and device infrastructure, making it easy to deploy and modify your networks of connected devices and applications.
Highly elastic cloud infrastructure makes it easy to maintain a cloud platform that meets the needs of your expanding network – a complete, scalable, Internet-of-Things toolkit that is cost-effective at any scale.
A pre-built, cloud-based solution can offer fully featured, production-grade capabilities for an initial pilot and proof-of-concept of your Internet-of-Things service or product, and Device Cloud enables application developers to bring a product to market very quickly and easily compared to bespoke solutions.
You could perhaps build your own platform, but only with significant investments in development time and cost in order to achieve the same range of features and functionality that is available from an off-the-shelf solution such as Device Cloud today. The primary benefit of Device Cloud is cost, with world-class scalability, reliability and security offered at an extremely competitive cost.
And with our team here at the LX group, it's simple to get prototypes of IoT systems up and running – which also translates to lowering the cost of the system development through to the final product. We can partner with you – finding synergy with your ideas and our experience to create final products that exceed your expectations.
To get started, join us for an obligation-free and confidential discussion about your ideas and how we can help bring them to life – click here to contact us, or telephone 1800 810 124.
LX is an award-winning electronics design company based in Sydney, Australia. LX services include full turnkey design, electronics, hardware, software and firmware design. LX specialises in embedded systems and wireless technologies design.
Published by LX Pty Ltd for itself and the LX Group of companies, including LX Design House, LX Solutions and LX Consulting, LX Innovations.